
Showing posts from November, 2005

Musharraf Jat in Lahore

now this is something.... we have the punk in town and the traffic is in shambles... road blocks, long queues and traffic jams..... when will we be sober...

on India.....

I am kind of curious about what various people in Pakistan think of good relationship with India. Do they mean cordial neighbour like relationship between the two? do they mean Pakistan accepting India's obvious regional dominance and live on the principle of coexistance? or do they simply mean the United India? not that I consider any of such thoughts to be sinful but still I am just curious to find out what the people specially the youth's thoughts are on this issue...

to my friends (specially the ones living abroad)

Last night just while surfing the channels, I happened to see a portion of Mustafa Khar's interview at Aaj channel. The host asked him indirectly that he (khar) is a hunter and it is hunter's mentality to capture the thing he likes and enslave it and if he has the same mentality. Khar's response to it was direct, he said that yes and that he considers this mentality to be the reason of his failed marriages. He confessed that he was a conservative person from feudal background who wanted to marry modern women and then make them live according to his thinking. well leaving Mustafa Khar with his domestic trouble, the idea underneath is worth a thought. We in Pakistan basically belong to a society that still lives in the feudal age. I believe one must modify his thinking according to the society and fully. Half baked pie wouldn't take one anywhere. This holds true specially if you are moving from a back-age society (such as ours still a feudal one) to a forward society (for...

Army and Balochistan - Mullahs and survivors of earthquake

Balochistan seems hot again... Possibility of an army action is hovering around... I wonder in such devastation how come they think of anything else..... Why can't they focus on relief first.... And will the reconstruction follow the safety standards.. And to mullahs... you ......, if earthquake is an azab, then why today an earthquake in Japan didn't cause any damage.. Earthquakes are a natural phenomena and it is for us humans to take preventive measures against such phenomenon. Those who are calling it an azab are doing no good to the survivors who really need to be lifted up to face the challenge ahead and come out of the shock..... so please please please... in the name of Allah stop doing this nonsense....


after all those Aamir Liaquats and karobari hajams and jawabdehs and hamud meeerrss.. at last something nice on Geo... the new jingle, specially in the 'jeem' cartoon promo.... and about the donors conference... I give it to Government.. good achievement... but sound planning is required for distribution and also debt retirement.... and this part i fear. and Inzi man you rock......


did the earthquake damage the nuclear facilities or it didn't? will Swiss courts sentence Benazir? will Nawaz Sharif be able to go to US? will Iran be the next target? will NATO forces leave? will Imran Khan start talking sense? will Blair survive? will Democrats get a majority in the house and senate? will mujra be banned again in Lahore's theatres? will forward bloc become the next herd of crooks? will we ever grow up? when will the next phase of DHA be announced? will Lalu ever go? will Lollywood ever be good? will US ever have a female or black president? will our dead national intellect ever be reincarnated? which will be next Gawadar? will the donors make us learn how to be accountable for finances? will the confusions ever end???????? .................................. keep watching Qayamat aanae wali hai with Dr. Shahid Masud on ARY OneWorld News...... and stop doing anything and everything because Qayamat aanae wali hai....


nothing to talk about......

I will be more regular now....

From now on I will not write lengthy stuff (unless absolutly necessary) and will confine to random briefs...... brief 1: Winter has set in, and the people up in the Neelam and Kaghan vallies need shelter and fuel and food.. so tighten your belts and help them..... brief 2: forward or reverse, the entire idiocyncratic bunch of fat-cats must be condoned as a whole....