to my friends (specially the ones living abroad)

Last night just while surfing the channels, I happened to see a portion of Mustafa Khar's interview at Aaj channel. The host asked him indirectly that he (khar) is a hunter and it is hunter's mentality to capture the thing he likes and enslave it and if he has the same mentality. Khar's response to it was direct, he said that yes and that he considers this mentality to be the reason of his failed marriages. He confessed that he was a conservative person from feudal background who wanted to marry modern women and then make them live according to his thinking. well leaving Mustafa Khar with his domestic trouble, the idea underneath is worth a thought.

We in Pakistan basically belong to a society that still lives in the feudal age. I believe one must modify his thinking according to the society and fully. Half baked pie wouldn't take one anywhere. This holds true specially if you are moving from a back-age society (such as ours still a feudal one) to a forward society (for instance industrial as most of West is or information age if you live on east coast, west coast or london for instance). If one plans to stay in the West for some time and then return, he must be very clear about it. And the one who plans to stay there and have family there should be clear too. and there must not be any guilt regarding being westernized because there is nothing wrong with being westernized (even if you think it is anti religious, I have a parallel case that it is not). The reason I emphasize so much on this is because else your children will suffer specially the girl child's and you will raise a psycho, confused generation, not healthy for them, for you and for the World. It is the craziest thing to expect the next generation behave like you do. Well any newer generation will have more exposure and is definitely more understanding of the roles of the game than the older one..... so expecting your children raised in US or UK or Europe or for that matter being educated at LUMS or LACAS or LGS to submit to your old school of thoughts is foolish and it almost always comes to haunt every time.

I can talk about me the person, and though I have no such plans to settle in West or anywhere but if it comes to this, then I will own that country and that society and wouldn't be sailing in two boats... then I will be westernized and I think it is perfectly fine. Why I don't feel like doing this? well because I guess contributing positively here is a more challenging task.....

between us.....


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