Religious Extremism Hitting Home

If there were any doubts left about the future course of action of that the West will take in the War on Terror, they have been laid to rest on July 21st by the second wave of bombings. Our World is heading towards a complete closure between West and Muslim World, atleast for the foreseeable future. This probably is the only option left for the Western governments to save their home from the rein of terror. Whether you agree with their ideology or not, the fundamentalists with Osama Bin Laden being their inspiration have succeeded in hiring and inspiring a substantial chunk of disillusioned Muslim youth living in Muslim World as well as living in the West.

The recent blasts in Egyptian resort of Sharam Al Sheikh are just the beginning of a long battle that will be waged across the length and breadth of Muslim World. This battle will be a battle for control and a battle for power between the tyrants, monarchs and dictators who rule the Muslim World and the fundamentalists who have the urge to unseat these rulers and be the new rulers. They certainly see themselves capable enough to launch a successful assault across the length and bredth of Islamic World. This urge and desire to grab power has always been there with the fundamentalists. After the first Afghan Jihad, OBL and his associates had their eyes on nothing but the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Their struggle was not for the wronged muslims but to force the Saud dynasty to expel American forces from Saudi Arabia. They saw this as first step to weaken and then ultimately destroy the Saud dynasty and to enhance their power and influence on the sociopolitcal spectrum of Saudi Arabia. In those days they were not concerned with the Palestine issue or the plight of muslims anywhere else in the world. The Palestine came to their aggenda when US declared them demon after Nairobi bombing and started pursuing them. And Kashmir came to their charter only after 9/11, when they made a last ditch effort to win the support of Pakistani masses.

Their desire to grab power in Saudi Arabia clashed directly with the US interests, who for her own purpose wanted a stable and secure Saudi Arabia and thus was a big supporter of status quo.

In the heydays of First Afghan Jahad, the Mujahidins, the saviours of the free world, were given all sorts of training and equipment by the US and the West. They were the blue eyed boys of the tyrants and dictators all across the Muslim World. The war ended and the West and Muslim World alike abandoned these Mujahidin and forgot Afghanistan. Those associated with this multi Billion dollar Jihad Industry suddenly found their funding drained and support diminishing. With the end the cold war, when fighting the Red Demon was no longer a priority, the issues like human rights and political freedom and religious tolerance came to the fore of Western policy making. These Mujahidin with their conservative traditional values (the values of backward Arab and Afghan societies which they proudly profesise as Islamic values) were in the firing range for their resistance to human rights standards set under the new World order.

The depression of the figureheads of Jihad, coupled with this added pressure for things like human rights, led to the conflict that we now know as "The War of Terror". The US policies in the World specially Middle East, the contineous support for tyrants and monarchs across the muslim world and the plight of Muslims all across provided just the ideal backdrop for roping in more and more people for it. And so now the heat is on....


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