Thank you, President Zardari!

Thank you Sir for leading Pakistan on the way to constitutional reform which has seen it get rid of legacy of decades of autocracy. Thank you for presiding over an economic restructuring that leads to more even distribution of resources between urban and rural and between north and south. Thank you for steering Pakistan though its worst economic years and worst energy shortages with minimum of damage. And Thank you for standing up against the terrorists while risking your own life.
Thank you for your initiatives on women's rights. Thank you for your voice for minorities and thank you for being there for all liberal and freedom causes. Thank you for the vision and stamina to stick to the politics of reconciliation and thank you for demonstrating that a successful democracy is about inclusion and cooperation above anything else.
Thank you for defending Pakistan against the terrorists and thank you for protecting its interest on international forums. Thank you for your efforts to restore the civil-military balance. Thank you for defending our Armed Forces when their image was at an all time low. And yes, thank you for saving institutions from being destroyed by their own madness.
Thank you for bearing with your opponents with patience and demonstrating the significance of tolerance. Thank you for demonstrating freedom of press amid smear campaigns against your person. Thank you for your belief in liberties and freedom and thank you for spreading it.
And above all Thank you for holding together PPP and Pakistan when many thought they had buried them with the corpse of BB. Thank you Sir! Stay healthy for the struggle left is still longer than the road that stretches out ahead. Thank You!


Muhammad Zaeem said…
Ali awesome job- Allow me to post it on my facebook and publish it in LUBP-

This is awesome write up
Ali Malik said…
Qasim said…
Thank you for looting at an unprecedented pace.

Thank you for borrowing more money in the past three years, than the total amount we had borrowed in the past sixty years.

Thank you for including all major political parties in this collective feast of Pakistan's corpse, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JI, you have tossed each and everyone a bone to play with, and hence they're all working hard to save your corrupt regime to "save democracy".
Anonymous said…
bloody losers.

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