Compassionate Liberalism

The battle for new world order is being fought on multiple fronts. On one end, the conservative capitalism on one hand is trying to have its way in the West through interest groups, right wing media and powerful lobbies. On the other hand, it is preparing for an alternate bastion in the form of China and are creating an outsourced economy (how naive are the leftists who think the rise of China will mark the death of capitalism).

On the other end, the liberal business and political community (specially in West) realizing the threat that the conservative capitalism poses to the ethos and ideals of Western civilization are trying to curtail the traditional capitalism. People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet (strange strange for they still remain monopolists), few Hollywood celebrities (well not all are show-offs, neither are all genuine) etc. Have realized that if the Western values, ideals and civilization are to survive the route lies in spreading the fruits of wealth and progress to have-nots. They are taking stand on issues pertaining to civil rights, poverty alleviation, fighting disease and educating the have-nots.

But even these liberal rich need to realize that this is not enough. The same compassion (a word being molested by the right-wingers lately) needs to extend beyond philanthropy into the every day life of the people and businesses they represent. They will have to look into their own record vis-a-vis monopoly and smear marketing campaigns.

Either conservative capitalism succeeds in having its way in the West or if it makes China emerge as the new bastion of capitalism, both ways it will be a loss for mankind. The only hope for the World lies in the success of compassionate, liberal rich who genuinely fight for the survival of ethos like liberalism, human rights, freedom and humanity while curbing the monopolistic policies they have been indulged in.

P.S. Is the charter of democracy and the recent judicial activism, the bids to introduce the rule of law that the old elite of Pakistan require to survive against the hooligan newly rich of property, military and stock mafias?


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