Case for a Secular Polity

Following the aftermath of Iraq war, as Middle East is inching closer and closer to a conflict on sectarian lines, the doom's day for Muslim world is nearing. If a sectarian conflict erupts in Iraq, because of their numbers and organization in the region (an organized, well planned and stable Iran vs. the unstable, unorganized and shallow Arab monarchies) Shias are bound to dominate it. This complete Shia dominance in Iraq after the dominance of Hizbollah in Lebanon will be the last straw on the back of old Mid-Eastern order (an order of minority Sunni regimes over majority Shia masses). The influence will spill across the region and Shia majorities in the region will be in a position to offer challenge to the Sunni/Wahabi monarchies in Yemen, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. This will give Shias the dominance in Middle East for the first time in 1400 years of Islam (Middle East is the only region in the Muslim world with Shia majority in a world where Sunnis out weigh Shias by appox. 70% to 30%).

If Shia dominance becomes imminent in Middle East, it will put Shia Middle East against a predominantly Sunni Muslim world outside Middle East. Especially because of the significance of Hijaz and a possibility of Shias controlling the holiest sites of Islam will be unacceptable for Sunnis all across because of the lack of tolerance and tendency to be emotionally exploited in the name of faith and beliefs. This probabilistic scenario, in all probability, can lead to an all out War across the Muslim World between Shia states and Sunni states and also between Shia and Sunni populations with in the states. This war in effect will be a World war of Muslims against Muslims and it will require high magnitude of sane thinking and loads of fortune to avoid this.

The problem is gravest for Pakistan, for here unlike other countries Sunnis and Shias are not located in different regions but live side by side across the length and breadth of the country (just like Baghdad or Beirut).

We cannot avoid this war through Sectarian harmony because it has failed over the years. The sectarian divide is based on bashing other sect. If a Shia stops bashing a few companions of Prophets or first three Caliphs, they cease to be Shias. Similarly, if Sunnis start tolerating this bashing, they leave the very fundamental of their faith. It is even more complicated than demanding Hindus to renounce their gods to accommodate Muslim belief of Unity of God and asking Muslims to tolerate multiple Gods. So there is no solution with in the bounds of a religious society and polity for this problem.

The only solution lies in secularizing the societies and polity. For only in secular polities and societies with prevalent secular mindset will a Pakistani Sunni be able to remain indifferent to whosoever takes over Saudi Arabia or Iraq.

For Sunnis, this secular thinking will help ensure digesting the rightful rise of majority in the Middle East. And for Shia majorities in Middle East, this thinking will ensure aligning the regimes and societies on sectarian grounds and not on the religious ones. Peoples’ will must prevail in the Middle East but the will should be based on the principles of liberal democracy and not on sectarian affiliations.

It might be way too tempting for Shias to dominate the heartland of Islam after centuries of marginalization and claim it as Shia rise. But they must also realize that its consequence will be confrontation with a Sunni Muslim World more powerful than the Middle East (Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia all are Sunni majority states). And also if the peoples’ power comes with a sectarian notation, it will alienate the minorities in these very Mid-Eastern states.

This confrontation if started will destroy everything. Sanity demands that peoples' movements be aligned on peoples' aspirations and not sectarian exploitation of Mullahs and Ayatollahs. It is time for Muslim World all across to reject religious clergy, sectarian movements and monarchies and establish a polity and society on the principles of secularism, tolerance, social justice and liberal democracy. Our problems are hunger, poverty, injustice, self respect, empowerment of the weak, and enlightenment of masses and not some fourteen centuries old conflicts. Let history and Allah be the judge of Caliphs and companions and House of Prophet, it is not for us to decide. If someone thinks the Caliphs were pious so be it and if someone thinks otherwise so be it. Wandering in the corridors of the past is just what the doctor death advises at this moment. So fellow Muslims, move on. Have your faith and keep it to yourselves and keep respecting others beliefs, faith and opinions in society that is secular and polity that is liberal and democratic. And if Muslims all around are not going to buy this idea - Pakistanis time to wake up and do it for ourselves. Or we are in the sixth day and the seventh day is Saturday and man will be drinking his own blood.


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