Surrendering to Taliban

International media for last few weeks is ripe with the reports of dialogue with Taliban in Afghanistan. Indications suggest that the dialogue at least has the backing of US and UK if not their direct involvement. Saudi Arabia seems to be a direct broker in these talks because of its connections with Taliban and other radical Islamists.

From what appears in media, it seems likely that Americans and NATO are ready to give Taliban serious concessions and are willing to include them in the power structure of Afghanistan. What remains to be seen is whether this attempt is aimed at ensuring peaceful holding of coming presidential elections or it is aimed at preparing the ground for ultimate withdrawal of NATO and US troops for the region.

If it is former, this happened before last presidential elections as well and will only be limited to engaging some of the regional elements. If it is later, the question is how much are Americans willing to concede to Taliban.

Any settlement without ensuring disarmament of Taliban and a mechanism to ensure it in the future, establishment of an ethnically and politically representative security framework of Afghanistan, establishment of principle of democratically elected government as the norm of political system, and a firm commitment by Taliban to renounce their style of governance will be a quick fix and will worsen the matters in times to come. It will allow the Western forces to be pulled out from battlefield Afghanistan but will lead to more troubles globally. World must have realized by now that the fundamentalist Islamists have a regressive global agenda and any truces by them are an attempt on their part to gain time to march towards their ultimate objective.

Also, any permanent settlement in Afghanistan needs to incorporate the concerns of all neighbors bordering Afghanistan, of China, of Russia, of USA, and of NATO/EU bloc. Anything short of leading to troops withdrawal/reduction will be perceived as a surrender to Taliban. If Brits want to pull their troops from Afghanistan, the solution is not to surrender completely but look for some framework under the auspices of UN aimed at inducting troops from other nations.

Obama administration, listening to the advocates of post-American world doctrine, might take steps which will have serious repercussions for the region and global peace. The question is not whether the world will be living in a post-American age or an American-dominant age. For every citizen in this world, including American citizens and policymakers, the question ought to be whether we will live in a world that is fair and safe or not? And leaving a volatile region in the world at the mercy of unarmed and unchecked Taliban neither makes our world fair nor safe.

Washington needs to revise its strategy and needs to uphold the "American ideals" of democracy, human rights and liberalism globally. More so, if Americans surrender to Taliban, the dominant and populist liberal forces in the region will find it really hard to trust Americans ever again. Post American support for dictators against left-leaning populous movements in the region, the Taliban threat has provided Americans with an opportunity to bridge the differences with the masses of this most populated region in the world. No one invited Americans to Iraq or Afghanistan. Americans came in and stirred the balance of power and made regions extremely volatile. Now, with the regions suffering from volatility, if American decide to cut and run, it would be perceived as a big breech of trust by the citizens of this region.

More importantly, regional players should devise a combination of economic, political and military strategy to ensure the process of detalibanization of the region even if US and NATO decide to cut and run. Shanghai Cooperation Council might provide the ideal platform for such initiative.

Democratic, liberal government in Pakistan will be the first target of a Taliban dominance in Afghanistan. More importantly, based on blood bath of last 9 years generally and last 2 years specially, Taliban have developed an irreversible remorse for Pakistan Army. Talking to Taliban sympathizers in Pakistan it seems inevitable that it is impossible that Taliban will be willing to enter and honor a long-term truce with the state of Pakistan or Pakistan Army. China faces the threat of destabilization in the eastern provinces at the hand of these fanatic Islamist movements. Russia and Central Asian Republics face the same threat. Iran is a sectarian enemy of this brand of Islam. If Pakistan falls for Taliban, India too will face the repercussions. The interests of regional players on this issue could never have been more aligned. The threat for all is existential and so even if NATO and US decide to cut and run, the regional forces must be a step ahead in checking the spread of Taliban and Al Qaeeda ideology in the region. It is a mess that is going to effect the entire world but region will be the first to be effected. It might be high time for regional states to be prepared for it and devise a solution based on addressing mutual interests.


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