Sugar Scam - Bar the Culprits from Public Offices

The News Link
Daily Dawn Link
Daily Naya Akhbar Link

It has been revealed that the sugar mills belonging to Humayun Akhtar Khan and Sharif Brothers are behind the current sugar shortage. They are refusing to release 84.5 million KG of Sugar which has been bought by Trading Corporation of Pakistan to ensure ample supply of Sugar into the market. The Sugar sold at PKR 25 to Govt of Pakistan is now being sold by the Sugar mills at PKR 50-55 in open market, by creating an artificial shortage, while the mills are not letting TCP lift the stock it has purchased. This amounts to an extortion of PKR 2.28 billion and has also caused great suffering to ordinary citizen both through scarcity of sugar as well as hiked prices.

Ironically, Urdu media which is completely in pocket of fundamentalists and Sharifs has completely blacked out the story. In Urdu press, only a news item was published in evening newspaper Naya Akhbar of August 15th but even the sister newspaper Khabrain blacked-out the news the next morning. This gross dishonesty is enough to expose the design of media in general and Urdu media in particular.

This extortion of the worst kind must be checked and ECP, Apex Courts and Govt. of Pakistan must make sure that the politicians involved in the scam are barred from holding any public office till they get their names cleared.

Also, an investigation needs to be launched into why Punjab Govt. was slow to launch a crackdown on mill owners who had illegally stocked the sugar belonging to TCP.


Anonymous said…
u r failed csp officer

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