Our Hope Will Triumph Their Despair! - Happy Independence Day!

The dry spell of almost 10 years ended with torrential outpour that led to the worst flooding in the recent history. On the eve of Independence Day, 15 million people are left affected by one of the worst floods in human history. On the eve of Independence Day, the words of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, said in Chittagong on Pakistan Day of 1948 elaborate the best, the struggle and resolve of this land and its inhabitants: "The Story of Pakistan, its struggle and its achievement, is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of great odds and difficulties."
This is what we have been and this is what we will always be - the survivors in the midst of all odds. 

I wished my piece here, in the midst of this tragedy, on the eve of nation's 63rd Independence Day, did not talk of divisions, but divisions I have to be talked about. For the existential threat that this country of ours is facing, is trying to turn this tragedy to its advantage. From TTP, to PTI, to Media fundos, to Sharifs themselves, everyone is trying to build on the chaos which the natural calamity ensued. There idea is to portray this natural calamity as a consequence of society's distancing from their perceived religious beliefs and a curse brought upon because of the rulers. They are hell-bent on ensuing guilt, extending misery of mind and thought, and spreading hopelessness. Some, like Hamid Mir, have gone as far as inculcating the thought of all out rebellion built on the misery. Some of them have been shameless enough to openly portray the message that the government in Pakistan and its infrastructure is corrupt and thus the international community should refrain from helping Pakistan while their comrades among Taliban have asked Pakistan to shun any foreign aid for their offer of $20million.

Coming as no surprise to me, the so called liberal left, while ignoring the key existential threat to our nation, has joined the bandwagon of criticism and hopelessness. Some of them have even prophesied an economic collapse of Pakistan. Rest are at the forefront of government bashing and Zardari bashing. Even in this most troubled moment of our national history, the issue for our main stream media, our fundo politicos and our liberal trumpets is the alleged shoe pelted at the President.

It is imperative that we take the issues raised by fundos and "liberals" one by one. First and foremost is the wrath of God argument. Thing I fail to understand is, how the wrath somehow skips the more corrupt Islamabadis and Lahoris and falls on the poor villagers living hand to mouth, day in day out? Am I the only one who sees wrong with the divine justice here?

Second, the infidel, corrupt rulers. If that is true, how would I justify the drought that covered the length and breadth of Afghanistan during the entire Taliban rule, with the first rain falling after the collapse of Taliban in 2001? And how do I justify the flood disaster in Punjab, where the House of Sharifs rules? And again, the divine justice would be flawed, if it would punish the poor masses for the deeds of a handful of rulers - wouldn't it be? Natural disasters happen and happen randomly. We all are fond of quoting the tales of drought that swept through the empire during the rule of Caliph Umar. Do I need say more? Clergy and fundos thrive on playing on our vulnerabilities. If things are not going their way and are running fine, it's Allah's rope extended for the cruel. If the misery strikes, it is Allah's wrath. They have it both ways and that is not all. If they have things going their way and a misery strikes, the message is, it is Allah's way of testing its chosen ones. Awake will my countrymen to the games of clergy. To no one will we let exploit our misery.

Second issue is of the slow and insufficient response. First things first, being an underdeveloped state, our ability to respond to natural calamities cannot be top of the line. In the first world, Katrina struck in 2005 and New Orleans rehabilitation has not fully been done till now. It took months for Americans to cap one little oil spill in Gulf of Mexico recently. So to assume a perfect or near perfect response to natural calamities from Pakistan is a bit unfair. Secondly, earthquake of 2005 was a tragedy that took place in one minute. Once it was over, the helicopters could be airborne and the trucks and cars could swiftly move to the affected areas. More so, the tragedy was spread over an area of around 2000 sq. km. This tragedy is different in its nature. We are two weeks into it and it is still unfolding. Secondly, the flash floods that caused havoc in KP, Balochistan, AJK and GB were caused by rains and because of water on the roads and downpour, neither trucks nor helicopters could be moved into the affected areas. And lastly, it has affected the entire length of the country, all six administrative areas. I wish our news channels rather than encouraging their reporters to dramatize the situation would have given them a handbook on rescue and relief practices so that rather than spreading the despair, they could have guided the people in other parts of the country on what to do to help the victims when the rains ease. 

More importantly, like anywhere else in the world, Army remains at the forefront of any relief and rescue operations of such scale. So any criticism of the government has covertly been a criticism on the Army (some have openly criticized NDMA led by Army) in the time when the Army has regained its credibility post Musharraf. Other more cynical ones are trying to play Army against the government using this tragedy. I can understand people having their vested interests and I can expect anything from the fundo mafia (relics of Zia) in this country. I can also expect anything from the irrationality of our urban-educated elite. Yet, at times, it baffles even me that the people could be so venomous against the interests of the land the live in and that of the people they live with intentionally or unintentionally. Natural calamities should be dealt with unified, overlooking any mistakes on part of one another. It is for later the postmortem is reserved for.

Despite their talk of despair, the aid is pouring in, bit by bit. We have reached US$ 100 million+. In the world, heading for a wheat shortage, we most probably still have surplus wheat. Our refineries and power plants will be up and running again in weeks, if not days. We will rebuild our fields, our roads, our bridges, our homes. For we have hope. 

60 odd years back, you called us Kafirs for demanding a homeland. You were agents of despair then. We did not listen to you and we recreated this beautiful state of ours. You tried ensuing among us the most draconian of laws and brought on us dictatorships, we fought back. We have survived the earthquake of 2005 and are moving on. We resettled the displaced IDPs of Swat in 3 months and are moving on. These obstacles come to test the human spirit, and HELL! Our Spirit is intact and high! You can keep spreading despair; our hope will keep overcoming it. No matter how hard you try, we will fight back. We will pull it back all the way, even if we have to pull it back from the very brink. We would not let you succeed in your dark designs of militant extremism, of dictatorship, or of the rule of elitists' Philosopher King. For we are the hopeful people of Pakistan and we make Hilary Clinton's of the world acknowledge our ability to keep writing the story of rebuilding each day. These troubles come and they go. They help us see who is with us and who is against us (the Ummah except UAE). Who is in with us for hope and who is against for despair.

With humility and gratitude, we say to thee, Happy 63rd Birthday Pakistan and you surely will have many more. For our Hope will triumph their Despair!


Kamran said…
As always, another excellent article Ali, reflecting on the feelings and thoughts of loads of Patriotic Pakistanis.
I would just like to add one point here that the criticism from some circles that the lack of aid from world community today as compared with 2005 is somehow related to (in their view) corrupt Pak government, is absolutely wrong and absurd. In 2005 we had a booming world economy and in 2010 we are heading to a double dip recession here in west. But they can keep their criticism to hide their inaction and we will keep doing our bit with optimism and hope as "Our Hope Will Triumph Their Despair! - Happy Independence Day!" :)

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