Strom in the cup of tea

The recent crisis in the ruling Muslim League in Pakistani has taken some interesting and funny twists and turns. It started with the meeting of four, then Shujat's televised statement about Jamali, then Jamali's reaction to it, removal of ARYOneWorld from the list of channels of major cable operators (and we call it a country with free media), statements of League leaders (Humayun Akhtar Khan, Leghari, Jamali, Wasti etc.) against Shujat, then Jamali's visit to Shujat's place and subsequent meetings, Shujat's U-turn on what he said about Jamali despite all what the nation saw and heard for themselves on TV, and last but not the least the big Nanny jumping in and calling all the kids and lecturing them to behave properly. And in the end all summed up by Sheikh Rasheed "Everyone has agreed to work at the same pay".

But one thing that still remains unanswered is why did it all begin and who wanted it? Some say it is because of the coming local bodies polls and every leader in PML wants his share of cake to be enhanced. Some say it is because of the increasing hold of Chaudharies on party specially in Puujab and others feel threatened. And for others it's about the genuine grieves of partymen with the party has been run by Shujat and Mushahid.

But to me it is all about marginalizing Chaudharies. Some one up there in "Alam-e-bala" is not happy at the way the arrival of Asif Zardari was handled. Probably some high ranking Army officials dealing with BB or some people from US Admin gave her the assurance that they will be allowed to resume political activities and that Asif Zardari will be given a free hand on his return. This message was communicated to the man in Punjab (Pervez Elahi) but probably not as forcefully as it should have been. For Chaudharies, just like any other planted politician, the resumption of political activity by PPP looks like a political death. So they decided to crush it with a heavy hand. This made news all across the world. And being a shrewd politician that she is, BB has exploited it to fullest infront of US and the people who were dealing with her. She has toughened her stance and is probably demanding far more than what she was being forced to accept initially. And now those quarters which gave BB the guarantee want some heads to roll to regain their credibility as honest power brokers between BB and Musharaf. Chaudharies ousting is just a matter of time now and all this has been done to provide an ideal backdrop for the act (remember even Jamali seemed survived before he actually had to leave). And if someone needs a hint: has anyone seen even a single statement of Musharaf denouncing PPP on her conduct at the arrival of Zardari or in support of use of force by Punjab government on the occasion?


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