What can be done?

Someone some where wants the world to head to a major war being triggered in South Asia?

Who is it? I am not too sure. One thing I can say for sure is that Indian Establishment is not comfortable with a democratic Pakistan. They have had great time under dictatorships of Zia and Musharraf. And then they have a horrible memory of isolation and cornering (though most of it had to do with India's problems within) under a stable democratic Pakistan of 1970s.

Secondly, there are elements in defense establishment of both India and Pakistan who want tensions to escalate for the interest of Military Industrial Complex (Please refer to US President Eisenhower's farewell speech on youtube). There most potent tool is their infiltration in the corresponding medias. Coverage of both Pakistan and Indian media post Mumbai attacks has been the main instigator of hatred and escalation of tension. Societies in generals, at least the main stream, have been cautious vis-a-vis being jingoist but in some ways the elements in media of both sides, with known associations to corresponding defense establishments, who are fueling the rage of jingoists and hawks on both sides to bring both nations to the brink of a war.

The mantra, on both sides and specially in India, is "a war to end all wars". They have at their disposal (or they are on disposal of) non-state, anti-state, and international actors. It's a giant deja vu - first world war. And will lead to nothing but ensuing more conflicts.

A war between India and Pakistan is very likely to be nuclear. India and Pakistan are not Ethiopia and Somalia. They are not even Serbia and Bosnia. This war will suck all the major powers in. Forcing them to take sides and leading to a much wider global conflict.

Even in isolation and without nukes, the conflict will make India erupt internally with innumerable insurgency movements. For Pakistan, the best case scenario will be a severe blow to democracy and strengthening of militant elements within.

Logic and rationale tells us all that war and escalation is not a solution. But still the vested interests and their trumpets in media are dragging us to jingoism and a war. In India, it is sold as "a war to end all wars". What it will lead to is "a peace that will end all peace". The best thing we can do is not to play in hands of jingoists and vested interests, and look with in. Be indifferent to the other side and pressurize our governments to show caution and dissociate completely from the neighboring country - no enmity - no friendship.


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