Ankh ke taroon ki corruption - II

Nawaz Sharif Contd.:

In a story reported by all major newspapers in Pakistan on Nov. 12, 2009, it has come to public knowledge that one of the cases withdrawn by Pervez Musharraf under "Jeddah Deal" was a money laundering case.

Ironically, there exists a confessional statement of Ishaq Dar, a close associate and father-in-law of Nawaz Sharif's daughter, confessed before interrogating agencies that he helped Sharifs do money laundering of around US$ 15 million through Hudabiya Paper Mills accounts. It is also worth-noticing that Sharifs during there second term gave deadline for those owning black money to turn it legal.

Ironically, neither the money laundering of Sharifs, for which Ishaq Dar gave a confessional statement, nor the general amnesty given under Sharif's for money launderers has ever been taken up by the "azad adaliya". Neither did "azad adaliya" intervene to ask that under what law the investigation and case of money laundering against Sharifs was dropped despite Ishaq Dar's confessional statement (Link).

Sharifs' spin doctors said that Mr. Ishaq Dar gave the confessional statement under torture and the allegations were politically fabricated. Now here lies the inherent hypocrisy of the whole accountability crusade. Even PPP claims that cases against them are politically motivated. Not only that on at least two occasions, the courts (when SC turned HC judgment and forced HC judges to resign on grounds that the trial and judgment were biased against BB and AZ) and the prosecutors (Musharraf issuing NRO) have accepted that the trials were politically motivated. Also, unlike Sharifs there has never been a single confessional statement of any accused. Even then, the Sharifs of Jeddah want to persecute PPP while want to remain untouched and their beloved judiciary so far is ensuring this for them.

With such track record of judiciary and a one-sided focus on accountability, it seems evident that the "crusade" against corruption is yet another false start.


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