Martial Law

Keeping in view the current violence, I believe a change in setup atleast and a martial law at the most is imminent. Now whether the man at top (Musharaf) will be at the helm of affairs or not is still unclear but these riots provide a perfect pretext for a Martial Law or change in setup. Whether those who Perpetrated it did it on Mush's behest or others is yet to be seen. But one thing is for sure, Pakistan will be moving well on its way to become a successful torn state (as per huntington's theory of clash of civilizations). Whether it will actually succeed or not is yet to be seen. And if its others and not Musharaf master-minding this all then it is yet to be seen how successful Musharaf will be in countering their move.

As far as the violence and looting goes, the mob mentality is a result of decayed morality in last three decades. Morality, mind you, is not sex and drinking, it is bigger issues like honesty, integrity, fair play and most importantly self-esteem and these values have been destroyed in our society over past thirty years by bureaucracy, military, judiciary, politicians, traders, industrialists, in short just about all of us. How often have you seen mullah issuing sermons against corruption or bribes?


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