Mob Mentality and Political Game

I am becoming more and more convinced that the current row over cartoons is being fueled by I)Iran, ii) the autocratic regimes in the Muslim world (these Sauds and Asads and Musharafs), iii) religious extremists.

These cartoons to say the least were an idiotic vulgarity but the way the religious right, autocrats and Iran are using them for their own political agenda is shameful to say the least.

This folly and lack of understanding on part of West of Muslim sentiment, values and thinking has provided the religious extremists with the best hiring tool they could ever dream of. It has also served well for the autocrats in the Muslim world for they have fueled these demonstrations to prove to the West, that amidst rising fundamentalism in the Muslim world and with masses with mob-mentality, they are West's best bet. Who could dare hold a demonstration in these autocracies. Why was there no police presence anywhere in Lahore just when it was eminent that the things could go out of hand?

And do I need say anything about Iran for it cannot be a mere coincidence that four months after the publishing of these cartoons the row is initiated by Tehran just when the screws are being tightened against it.

I respect the right of autocrats, religious extremists and Iran to make political moves for their interest and survival. However, I find it disgusting that they are using it in the name of Prophet(P.B.U.H.). And this to me is more blasphemous than anything else. May Allah give us the guidance to separate the right from the wrong and make us see things and may He give the guidance to those who shamefully use the name of the Prophet to serve their own purpose.


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